一. 德国企业家移民申请条件
1. 有一定的经商管理经验
2. 持有D-Visa
3. 商业计划书
4. 在德注册公司文件
5. 可持续投资股本流水证明
6. 购买在德国医疗保险
二. 德国企业家移民续签及转永居条件
1. 无犯罪证明
2. 在德公司持续经营,持正面带动营销,缴纳税收
3. 在德居住地址
4. 每半年入境德国一次,居住天数最好逐年递增
5. 购买在德医疗保险
三. 德国企业家移民流程
四. 德国企业家移民项目优势
1. 办理周期短
2. 无学历、语言、资产来源要求
3. 一人申请,全家移民
4. 先移民,后投资,安全稳健
5. 无移民监,每半年入境一次
6. 享受德国优质教育、医疗、社会福利等待遇
7. 自由通行26个欧盟国家
五. 德国投资移民优势
超过 99% 的德国企业是中小型企业,在其他国家情况并非如此,大多数中小企业都在努力确保公司的长期存在,并非常重视与客户、供应商和其他企业的持久关系。许多中小企业通过赞助教育、文化和体育活动,在所在地区发挥积极作用。许多德国中小企业都以技术为导向,这些公司中有许多是其所在行业的欧洲或全球市场领导者。
德国是名副其实的移民国家,仅在 2020 年就有超过120万来自国外的人来到德国生活。通常移民会有着特殊的要求和习惯,作为外国投资人可能比大多数德国人更熟悉和了解移民,进而也许这会成为商业理念的起点。外国移民与生俱来的语言和文化知识可能是吸引国际客户的助力因素,这也成为德国投资移民的一大优势。
六. 德国企业家移民法条
Section 21 Self-employment
(1) A foreigner may be granted a temporary residence permit for the purpose of self-employment if
1. an economic interest or a regional need applies,
2. the activity is expected to have positive effects on the economy and
3. personal capital on the part of the foreigner or a loan undertaking is available to realise the business idea.
Assessment of the prerequisites in accordance with sentence 1 shall focus in particular on the viability of the businessidea forming the basis of the application, the foreigner’s entrepreneurial experience, the level of capital investment, the effects on the employment and training situation and the contribution towards innovation and research. The competent bodies for the planned business location, the competent trade and industry authorities,the representative bodies for public-sector professional groups and the competentauthorities regulating admission to the profession concerned shall be involved in examining the application.
(2) A temporary residence permit for the purpose of self-employment may also be granted if special privilegesapply according to agreements under international law on the basis of reciprocity.
(2a) A foreigner who has successfully completed his studies at a state or state-recognised university or a comparable educational establishment in the federal territory or who holds a temporary residence permit as a researcher or scientist in line with Sections 18 or 20 may be issued with a temporary residence permit for self-employment purposes by way of derogation from subsection 1. The envisaged self-employment must demonstrate a connection to the knowledge acquired during the higher education studies or the research or scientific activities.
(3)Foreigners aged over 45 should be issued with a temporary residence permit only if they possess adequate provision for old age.
(4) The period of validity of the temporary residence permit shall be limited to a maximum of three years. By way of derogation from Section 9 (2), a permanent settlement permit may be issued after a period of three years, provided the foreigner has successfully carried out the planned activity and adequate income ensures the subsistence of the foreigner and the dependants living with him or her as a family unit and whom he is required to support.
(5) By way of derogation from subsection 1, a foreigner may be granted a temporary residence permit for the purpose of self-employment. A required permit to practice the profession must have been issued or confirmation must have been provided that such permit will be issued. Subsection 1, sentence 3, shall apply mutatis mutandis. Subsection 4 shall not apply.
(6) A foreigner who is to be or has been granted a temporary residence permit for another purpose may be permitted to pursue self-employment while retaining the aforesaid purpose of residence where the permits required under other provisions have been issued or an undertaking has been provided that such permits will be issued.